Course Details

Price & Course Details

Price: £ 59 + vat
Time: 2-5pm GMT
Location: Remote



Knowing how to communicate well can have a significant impact on an individual’s success and so it pays to constantly train on it and aim to improve your performance.

During this course delegates learn to manage their emotions better so that these emotions don’t leak or burst into conversations at the wrong moment.

Techniques are provided to manage difficult conversations and to avoid getting trapped in a psychological game going back and forth on certain points rather than moving forward to focus on underlying issues or concerns.

All of the techniques explored in the courses are thought using several examples. Many example conversations of poor communication are provided and delegates are encouraged to analyse them.

This is then followed by in-depth training on why and how these conversations fail and what can be done to avoid them. This is subsequently followed by improved examples so delegates can see exactly how to use the techniques and what to expect of them.

Delegates then participate in several exercises to master these skills. Exercises are carefully designed to help the delegates memorise these techniques during the course and learn to apply them in real-time in realistic situations encountered in the real world.

Target Audience

Anyone interested in personal development and growth, centred around Emotional Intelligence.

What will it give you?

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Search to understand other people’s stories and learn to change your perspective based on their view to improve your conversation
  • Prevent misunderstandings by clarifying intentions and avoid common mistakes that escalate the situation rather than resolve it
  • Avoid blaming others and take responsibility for your own contribution to any situation

What will this course cover?

In this highly practical course delegates will learn:

  1. Understanding Stories
    • How do you perceive the world?
    • How do you make stories to make sense of what goes around you?
    • How these stories come to define your behaviours?
    • How can you use story analysis to improve your communication with others?
  2. Intention Analysis
    • What are the two common mistakes made when considering intentions?
    • How to avoid these mistakes
    • What is the relationship between intentions and their impact and how should you respond to them?
    • How should you handle intentions to get the best results?
    • What is the best way to share your intentions with others?
  3. Avoiding Blame
    • What is the Cycle of Blame and Disengagement?
    • What is bad about blaming others when things go wrong?
    • What should you do instead when things go wrong?
    • How to avoid blaming others