Course Details

Price & Course Details

Price: £ 59 + vat
Time: 2-5pm GMT
Location: Remote



We interact with others on daily basis and our communications can influence different aspects of our lives.

This course aims to expand deeper into many sources of miscommunication. It provides several easy-to-use soft skills techniques that can be employed in establishing rapport with others, strengthening relationships and avoiding common conversational traps.

In particular, the course covers areas such as probing and understanding other people’s perceptions, understanding intentions and their impact, taking responsibility and avoiding blame.

Exercises are carefully designed to help the delegates memorise these techniques during the course and learn to apply them in real-time in realistic situations encountered in the real world.

Target Audience

Anyone interested in personal development and growth, centred around Emotional Intelligence.

What will it give you?

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand and manage your feelings so they don’t clutter your understanding or affect your conversations with others
  • Handle difficult conversations by monitoring implicit messages and use techniques to gain rapport
  • Avoid destructive psychological games in conversations and use techniques to shift the conversation away as quickly as possible

What will this course cover?

In this highly practical course delegates will learn:

  1. Feelings
    • If you feel strongly about something, how should you express yourself?
    • What happens if you don’t share your feelings with others?
    • Should you bury your feelings and get rid of them as hard as you can? Should you vent them or should you deal with them?
    • How can you use a simple formula in conversations to easily share your feelings with others?
  2. Difficult Conversations
    • What is the best way to express your dissatisfaction with someone?
    • How to analyse implicit messages in what you say or is said to you
    • What is the impact of these implicit messages on people and their long term relationship?
    • How to take advantage of the 4-Steps Conversation Technique to significantly improve the quality of your conversations
  3. Psychological Games
    • Why people get stuck in circular arguments and feel they should not give in to others?
    • How can you break this cycle and improve your communication skills?