Become a Member of Zenhao Academy

An #ohana community for Salesforce Consultants!

What are people saying about ZenHao Academy?

Anita Smith
Salesforce Business Analyst

Bryan Bemis
Salesforce Admin

Alex Warneke
Salesforce Consultant

Ron Trotman
Senior Salesforce Project Manager

Keep improving your skills with Zenhao Academy 

The Salesforce ecosystem is going to keep growing. New features are continually being rolled out, and more companies are discovering its benefits. That’s just two reasons why Salesforce and it’s partner organisations are expected to create 9.3 million jobs worldwide by 2026*. 

As a consultant, your customers will expect you to keep pace with the changes, while keeping your consulting skills razor sharp. For Salesforce systems training, there’s Trailhead (it’s really addictive) and for the rest, there’s Zenhao. 

A brilliant SaConja (Salesforce Consultant ninJa) never stops learning. And I mean ninja in the sense of being incredibly skilled at something – in this case Salesforce and consulting – not being good with a sword.  

I asked students on my Masterclasses and Micro workshops what they love most about their training. 

Overwhelmingly, attendees felt the skills training provided the most value. Role plays, practicals and lively discussions provide real-world experience that helped them feel really ready for consulting work. No one else offers this level of training where you can learn the theory AND put it into practice in a supportive environment. Would you want your first tricky dilemma in front of a real client? Or would you rather practice in a safe space where it’s ok to get things wrong, discuss the alternative approaches, and then get it right when you meet the client? 

Zenhao will continue to provide more of this support, on a growing list of topics. And I’m building a community where you can share knowledge with each other. Many of the people on my courses have brought lots of awesome skills from their previous careers and there is so much that we can all learn from each other.

Here’s what you can expect from Zenhao Academy:

  • Discounted member-only rates for:
    • 5-week Discovery Masterclass (the same content as the live course, delivered via a mix of videos and live sessions, role plays, skills practice and group exercises) 
    • 5-week Consulting Project Manager Masterclasses
    • Professional Workshops on Critical Thinking, Systems Thinking, Active Listening & Questioning Skills
    • Advanced Live Roleplays on Interviewing Clients, Running Workshops, Process Mapping and writing User Stories – build confidence by practicing in real-world situations
    • 1-to-1 coaching sessions
  • Fortnightly 90-minute micro workshops to help you excel every day. These workshops are only available to members.
    • Core Consulting skills
    • Personal Leadership
    • Powerful Communication
    • Power & Influence
    • Becoming a great Team Player 
    • And other unmissable topics. 
  • Fast-growing library of ALL micro e-learning modules, videos, templates and exercises on a variety of topics
  • To do or Donut – an e-book compilation of my thoughts on Project Management, Consulting, Leadership and Samaritans. 

Membership rates

Pay monthly, with no minimum term and zero obligation to stay for longer. Although of course I want you to find this so incredibly valuable that you’ll want to be a member throughout your career. 
*Source: IDC (International Data Corporation),