How are you managing expectations

“How are you managing expectations about how realistic #AgentForce is and how to understand it’s ROI?” 😬

“How can Marketing and AI be effective when users are increasingly against being tracked with cookies?” 😮

“The pricing of $2 per conversation for those using AI is more suitable for enterprise with deep pockets. How are you championing the SME market?”


Absolutely riveting panel Q&A with industry experts with Cloudigital event at Cloobees (now Synechron) 🤩

No holds barred.
No punches pulled.
That second question definitely felt like an uppercut 👊🏻😖🤕

😆😆 Younnis Abbad Andaloussi Luca Benini Nathan Jones Owen Hollingdale Nadio Granata

Please make sure you follow Chris Harvey to get updates on the next one! 🥰

He always organises such cracking events! ❤️


Just kidding!! 🤭

Just kidding!! 🤭

Jasmine A. asking Ruben Da Rosa from TITAN some tough technical questions … Which he aced!

👊🏻 BOOM!

Tough doing a demo when you’ve got a solution engineer in the crowd! 😁

However it was a seriously impressive 12 minutes to show how no-code forms can very quickly extract and output data from Salesforce without having to rope in a dev!

Thank you Chris Harvey from Cloudigital for organising this fun event! Looking forward to enbiggening my brain 🧠

Also to Cloobees (now Synechron) for sponsoring this lovely venue ❤️


#GladImNotOnTheHotSeat 🤭

🤖 Are we leading AI

🤖 Are we leading AI, or is AI leading us?

This question has been niggling at me lately, especially as I watch my teenage sprogs navigate this crazy new world. 🤔

Here’s what’s keeping me up at night:

🍩 Tech companies reducing hiring of developers/engineers in favor of AI

🍩 Young people potentially missing out on valuable “battle scars” and learning experiences

🍩 The difference between using AI as a tool vs being led by it

I’ve been experimenting with AI myself (tried building a Google Apps Script recently – definitely NOT my forte! 😅).

While I can copy-paste code snippets, I don’t truly understand the ‘why’ behind them.

But here’s the thing – for me, that’s OK because I’m not aiming to be a developer. But what about our future workforce?

The real magic happens when we LEAD AI:

💪🏻 Asking the right questions

💪🏻 Spotting assumptions and bias

💪🏻 Steering the direction rather than going with the flow

Don’t get me wrong – AI is an amazing tool (helping me doodle better! 😁).

But we need more conversations about cultivating a healthy relationship with it.

What do you think? Are you leading AI or is it leading you?

Let’s have a deeper conversation about this in the comments below 👇🏻





I am probably the luckiest person I know 🥰

I am probably the luckiest person I know 🥰

I would like to say that my life has been forged through fire, scorched by immense life obstacles to find success on the other side.

Actually … no. My story is more like a Series of Incredibly Fortunate Events, marred by just a few “Bumps” – that’s landed me here.

The jobs, bosses and experience I’ve accrued now allows me to coach, consult, teach, speak, and travel everywhere, which along with an incredibly patient and supportive ÜberHub and a squad of grumpy teenage sprogs that make up my crazy world makes me feel incredibly lucky.

Which is how I feel about my upcoming trip to Cairo Dreamin, to talk about “How to onboard yourself as a new consultant.”

And …. drumroll… 🥁🥁🥁

It will also coincide with the launch of my online Consulting Fundamentals course!

This course will cover:

🍩Onboarding Plan – Week 1

🍩Onboarding Plan – Next 30/60/90 Day

🍩4 Pillars of Consulting Excellence

🍩Remote Consulting for Graduates and New Hires

🍩Digital Communication in a Remote Workplace

🍩Principles of Security & Secure Data Handling

Aimed at small and medium #SalesforcePartners looking to grow their consulting talent pool but have limited resources to onboard and train them in the leadership side of consulting.

Also for those of you are just stepping into the consulting role and need a primer or introduction to orient and set yourself up for success.

Ahhhh – all the topics I feel so passionate about! ❤️❤️

As I was saying… I am probably the luckiest person I know!

Do I want to speak at this historic location and see the pyramids?!


Who will I see there?



“How many times have I told you…”

“How many times have I told you…”

“You should know better…!”

“ARG not again!”

Omg I’m such a rubbish parent! 😣

As a parent I find myself affording more grace and kindness to people at work than to my kids. 😔

I think a big part of it is that I am replaying tapes from my childhood that has been programmed for me.

Criticism from family, especially not-Western cultures have these “reasons”:

– we love you

– we want the best for you

– we know better

– you will fail if you disobey

But love that’s shame based does not create safety.

Now whenever I feel frustration rising because of something the sprogs have done, I try to catch those words before they get verbalized.

And I turn off the WiFi. 😆

OK, am also working on those passive aggressive tendencies but one thing at a time, OK? 😁

