🥦 Why am I so greedy

🥦 Why am I so greedy I always ruin whatever diet I am on?

🥦 Why am I such a lazy slob and never stick to a fitness plan?

🥦 Why am I not good enough to <insert desired goal>?

There are times when asking ‘why’ is not a helpful way to move forward, especially when you’re in a blaming state and not a resourceful state.

If you need to ask why as a first step, then answer honestly.

👉🏻 Because I bought those donuts 🍩🍩🍩 and left them on the table within easy reach.🤌🏻

👉🏻 Because I played games all night so I couldn’t wake up to attend my fitness class. 🏋️🏃

👉🏻 Because it may be easier to be in a defeated state than to ask truly difficult questions and face having to do difficult things to move myself forward.

Then I move towards questions that begin with “How can I…”

🥕 How can I eat well and not feel deprived?

🥕 How can I keep fit and still have fun?

🥕 How can I learn from this failure and what an I willing to sacrifice for success?

I’m just reflecting on the art of asking good questions, and how people are short changing themselves by falling back on poor questions when things get tough.

Blaming questions like:

😡 Who did this?

😡 Who’s going to pay for this mistake?

😡 Why did we allow this incompetent person to be in charge?

We need to do better and ask more insightful questions.

And we must be prepared to dig deep to find the honest answers, and to peel back layers so that we get to the truth. 🌹

Only then can we move forward.

I find myself asking poor quality questions all the time, but I catch myself and make better questions.

It’s the best way to also change my state as it’s one of the 3 factors of emotional mastery: focus, language and physiology.

What kind of good and poor quality questions do you come across frequently?

