2 days before Go-Live

2 days before Go-Live.
Lead Dev: We’ve found a bug in Pre-Prod that wasn’t there during Systems Integration Testing (SIT).
Tester: I found it and logged the bug.
Lead Dev: It worked for us so we ignored you.


Why is this still happening?
Why are QA bods second-rate cousins to the “glamorous consultants and developers”?

Poor #ProjectManagement and dysfunctional project team is the cause here.

QA is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL to project success.
Why is this still a crazy concept?

It boggles my mind that people still feel this way, and project teams – both consulting led and client led projects rarely give the QA team the respect they deserve.

So. Much. Drama. 😣
So much emotional energy spent on unnecessary drama when tight planning and good team management could have avoided it all.

Here are some best practices:
– Proper QA team should be involved in the project up front.
– They should be apprised of any design changes so that test scripts and scenarios are comprehensive and are executed properly.
– Test strategy with entry and exit criteria for each stage should be agreed and signed off at the beginning of th eproject
– No change to be accepted at the last minute and deployed without regression testing.
– If too many defects are found, then consider a No-Go decision*

There are a whole lot more, but I’d have to dedicate a whole podcast or book on this.

Please – if you really really want your project to succeed, please treat your QA as a valuable part of your project team.
Put the ego aside.
When they find defects, they aren’t attacking you or your competency.

Show them some ❤
They are there to help you make things better. 🌹


* check my previous mini riff on this, link 👇🏻