and then the unexpected happened!

“… and then the unexpected happened!” <gasp> 😲

Storytelling is an artform that has changed throughout the years, and is still as relevant nowadays as it was during the time of wandering travellers.

Those in leadership positions who are able to do this well are charismatic, and can find it easy to enrol people on their mission and their journey.

I submitted an article to the #Salesforce Architect blog, though I don’t know if my whimsical doodles are in line with their other more serious submissions. 🤭

My entry discusses another perspective of the Well Architected Framework, and looks at how the guiding principles can be matched to the human side of project delivery.

On the topic of ‘Engagement’ – I’ve found the most effective architects are also engaging in nature, and they are able to excite others with their passion for technology and love for delivering great solutions.

And I’ve worked with some marvelous TAs who can weave stories around their projects and implementations complete with roller coaster suspense and drama, coupled with cliff-hangers of their own. 🎢😱

As a #BusinessAnalyst in a previous life, I’ve found that storytelling helps me connect with clients.

As a #ProjectManager I can create scenarios and colour them in with relatable elements to make my point and get the outcome I am looking for.

There is also merit in the introvert mode as well, don’t get me wrong. However, it’s the extroverted engaging mode that draws people in – which is an important tool in learning how to influence outcomes.

What do you think?
