Do you doodle

Do you doodle when you’re on the phone?
Or fold origami?
Or click or twiddle with a pen?

Sometimes I come in to my shifts at Samaritans and I find that a fellow volunteer has left something on my duty station, and tonight I see this little hand drawn tree on a post it note.

It’s such a nice thing to see, and when I’m on a call with someone who’s struggling with a chaotic mess of big emotions, it’s been very grounding for me to fix my gaze on this tree.

It reminds me of the 54321 Grounding Exercise for anxiety.

Focus on
– 5 things you can see around you
– 4 things you can hear
– 3 things you can feel with your hands or under your feet, or with any part of your body
– 2 things you can smell, and
– 1 thing you can taste; or 1 big long breath.

When callers are in a high emotional state and they are in a highly anxious state, it helps when I ask them to tell me what’s happening and focus on the 5 senses of their immediate surroundings.

I think that when you are really focused on the now, there isn’t space for fear or anxiety.

There have been so many people who are still really struggling from the impact of covid – isolation, illness, grief, loss.

Reach out if you’re struggling.
Call freephone 116 123 if you’re in the UK.
Otherwise, email

If you’re in a good place, lend a listening ear.
Help someone by being there.
Now that you know the 54321 tip, you can help someone who may need your help,

It doesn’t cost anything.
