For the next 30 days

For the next 30 days, from 10 Jan – 10 Feb, you are going to hit that Trailhead hard, AND do as many #RandomActsOfKindness as you can!

Especially if you want to win a space on my next Consulting Masterclass. 😁

You will be submitting the number of points and badges you have at the beginning of the competition, and also at the end – so the sooner you submit, the more time you have to rack up those points!

You will also need to find ways and means to add value to the #ohana – not just in the #Salesforce ecosystem, but to the wider community as well. Remember to use hashtag #PeiItForwardChallenge so that I am able to track them down.

On 11 Feb, I’ll nominate the top scorers and along with their karmic contribution for voting.

Links to the competition entry and the Consulting Masterclasses in the comments 👇🏻.

May the (top 2) bestest contestants win! 🍩
