Have there been any significant changes

🍩Have there been any significant changes to the project scope or deliverables? If so, how have we addressed them?

🍩Are there any resources that are over- or under-utilized?

🍩Do we need to adjust our resource allocation to better meet project demands?

🍩Have we encountered any unexpected issues? How are we addressing them?

🍩Have there been any concerns raised by the client? How have we addressed them?

🍩Are we maintaining effective communication and alignment with the client’s expectations?

🍩How we meeting our quality standards for deliverables?

🍩Have there been any unforeseen costs? How are we managing them?

🍩How would you assess the performance and morale of the project team?

🍩Are there any team members who are underperforming or overwhelmed?

🍩Do we need to make any changes to the team composition or provide additional support?

🍩Have there been any compliance issues, and how have we addressed them?

These are just some of the questions I ask from my Project Managers when we have our internal governance meetings to assess project performance and review RAG status.

The purpose isn’t to shame and blame, it’s to see what the leadership team can to do support them.

If you’re an aspiring or new RealProjectManager at a SalesforcePartner, then this LinkedIn live session is for YOU. 😃

You’ll want to tune into the 2nd episode of TLTOnThePeiroll this Friday at 4pm UK time.

See you there?

(you can also view a less laggy/choppy video on the ReStream link 👇🏻)

Watch on ReStream: https://studio.restream.io/eun-nzbb-mob