Here are the videos of all our all-hands in the last 5 years

“Here are the videos of all our all-hands in the last 5 years. You’ll find out that our chairman likes the sound of his voice.” 🙄
“Here are links to the projects that we win.”
“Just trawl our intranet and read stuff, though some of the info is a bit outdated.”

Yeah, I’ve been in that position more times than I can count.

What should a newly recruited #SalesforceConsultant do in their first 30 days at work?

If you’re *REALLY* lucky, you get assigned to a project that’s in discovery as a non-billable shadow, with solid senior consultants and a #RealProjectManager that you can learn from.

I say ‘discovery’ because that’s where you learn more than if you were dropped into a project in mid-flow.

But let’s be honest.

So many companies are really bad at the onboarding process.

This is even worst at #SalesforcePartners who usually focus on making sure everyone’s fully utilised and billable on projects (and thus have less slack to mentor and guide new recruits.)

Wes Kao outlines a step by step process on how a newbie might navigate their new environment especially if their company isn’t doing a great job of this onboarding business.

My eyeballs 👀 gravitated to item:
(4) Pick up on unspoken rules as the biggest weapon you can have.

See everything. 👁
Hear everything. 👂🏻
Be like a sponge.
Absorb. Absorb. Absorb. 🧻

And analyse what you see. 🔎
Ask questions and try to connect the dots.

I’d have put this right on top as number (1).
In short: If no one’s gonna lead you, you’re gonna have to do the leading.

I’m not going to do her newsletter justice on this post, so I’d urge you to sign up for her BRILLIANT stuff over here 👉🏻

I’ll also link to her brilliant article ‘How to on-board yourself when you join a new team.’ in the comments 👇🏻


ps: she doesn’t pay me to do this – I just think she writes some awesome stuff 😍