I can’t use the thimble

“I can’t use the thimble because my fingers are claustrophobic!” 🙄


It’s been a busy few weeks as Ninja 3 is getting ready to transition to secondary school, and I took time off work as there was a lot to do.

Well, she had a year 6 project where all the kids had to pick something interesting and research, create a product and website and present it on exhibition day.

Ninja 3 decided to sew a ballgown (and talk about the fashion through the ages) even though she had never sewn a “single wingle” thing in her life!

I mean, I have a sewing machine but I can only do a straight line. 😬

Anyway she had picked a decidedly ambitious project, but you can imagine the drama and hourly meltdowns.

“This will never work!”
“Why did I choose this!? I could have just picked something easy like digital art!”
“The sewing machine is broken!! AAARG MY LIFE IS ENDED!”

Anyway she got it together at the last minute and the exhibition was a success! 😌

And if she listened to her mum whose speciality is in #ProjectManagement 😁 she could have saved herself so much stress by planning properly.

“But it went terrifically in the end mum! The feedback was amazing!” she beamed at me.

“Doesn’t that mean I deserve a new iPhone for the new school?!”

No, babe.

You’re getting a CAT phone, a retro-Nokia one with actual pressable buttons. 😆

And yes, I am a horrible mum for now allowing you to conform.

Sigh. I am told that I have quite a few more years of this roller coaster ride before it settles down. 🫠

Give me #ChangeManagement in the professional world any time!

Feels easier than dealing with tweenies! 😵


Ps: On a side note, the kids blew me away with their project titles like “Corruption in FIFA” and “Do we need the royal family?”
So incredibly amazing! 😍