I had a crush on McGyver. 😍
Along with The Hoff in Knight Rider and that dude in Airwolf.
There was a time when heroes that overcame unimaginable odds would save the poor helpless damsel in distress… for a hug and profuse thanks (and maybe a kiss).
Well, at least in daytime television.
Unlike fiction, good solid work do not get “magicked” up overnight through some miracle by a hero or motley crew of demolition experts.
Robust bridges, sound education system, resilient software – things like these that serve us well are a result of strong foresight, resourceful planning and excellent execution.
We can all see it.
When customers approach us to put in a #CRM system like #Salesforce or #Microsoft CE, we can tell if they are those who plan, or those who are thr “Wing-It-ers”.
Ever heard someone say, “Let’s wing it.”?
It’s making it up as we go along.
It’s “Let’s play it by ear”.
It’s “Let’s improvise”.
Yes, there are some things where impulsive improvisation works (such as when the villain walks in and you’re about to be found in his weapons closet). 🥷
But not when you want to build something that people depend on to be stable and strong.
You don’t want holes, cracks, defects, bugs, or weaknesses.
You want things that work.
Again and again.
Regardless of the battering it gets from daily use.
Only those who don’t plan will rely on cowboys to help save the day. For a song and a cracker.
That’s why you strategise and you plan, and then you engage a strong #SalesforcePartner to help you execute your vision.
Building something enduring is not easy without sufficient resources such as manpower, time, materials… and money.
Skimp on any one of those elements, and you impact quality – whether tangible or intangible.
Plan it, strategise it, and resource it.
And that’s the secret of how to build good stuff.
I miss many things from the cheesy 80’s.
Although perhaps not the mullet. 😁