I left a very cushy and lucrative job

I left a very cushy and lucrative job as a Senior Salesforce Project Manager a few years ago. 😬 It wasn’t an easy thing to do.

The reason was that I saw so many new hires into the consulting space – people who had certs and training on the product and the ‘hard’ skills, but who weren’t able to manage clients, run robust workshops to gather proper requirements and deliver a successful project.

Which is why I started Zenhao – a leadership academy focusing on consulting and project delivery excellence (what do you think of the tagline? 😁).

There are so many training companies (including the wonderful Trailhead) providing great technical content and training resources for learning #Salesforce, but very few focused on the leadership and communication skills necessary for a #SalesforceConsultant to thrive.

I took time out to build and develop what is now my flagship offering: the Consulting Discovery Masterclass – which is specifically aimed at #SalesforcePartners in levelling up consulting team’s Discovery skills.

Root causes for RED projects can usually be traced to poor requirements gathering, and lack of critical soft skills of communication, as well as managing expectations and nurturing relationships.

If you’re keen in learning how to run proper Discoveries with lots of role plays and skills practice where I cover:
– best practices in consulting project methodology
– running effective process mapping workshops
– writing strong requirements
– delivering powerful presentation and show & tells
– as well as core soft skills such as active listening, critical thinking and the art of asking insightful questions
… then sign up for the next one starting next Monday 8 May (deets in comment below 👇🏻)

I’ve never been good at self-promo, so I’m letting Axel Staal Chartered MCSI help me out with a testimonial. 🥰


Details for Consulting Discovery Masterclass here –https://zenhao.mykajabi.com/3-week-consulting-discovery-masterclass

I also wrote a book! You can get hashtag#SalesforceDiscovery101 here – https://amzn.to/3XV9EGl (UK) or https://a.co/d/6NFyOkt (USA)