It’s about getting the balance right

It’s about getting the balance right.
The “Goldilocks” effect.*

Not too hot, not too cold.
Not too easy, not too hard.
Not too little, not too much.

The sweet spot.

The #Mastery of any field is about knowing where that sweet spot is, and applying that knowledge to get the desired result.

The teacher who knows just how hard to push her student.

The parent who knows how much freedom to give, and the boundaries to take a stand on.

The #salesforce partner who knows how much a new consultant can comfortably handle before getting overwhelmed.

It’s an art.

The knowledge is acquired through experience and the the ability to read individuals and their capabilities in the face of tough challenges.

With some people, you *can* just chuck ’em in and they’ll swim like anchovies.

Others require a bit more guidance, but you know that once they get their confidence and fins, they’ll be slicing through the choppy waters like knife through a sea of really bad metaphors. 😁

The sweet spot.

Learn how to recognise and exploit.
The licking is optional. 😋

*If this isn’t a real thing, it definitely should be!
