It’s been a crazy week

It’s been a crazy week, not only at work but also with the outstanding altMBA course I just started so I haven’t been able to doodle or put together any thought-leadering or lessons-learnering post of any kind. 😬

So I’ll share my altMBA journey.

Let me begin by sharing the community practices:
We are curious, open and respectful.
We are generous.
We speak from our own experience.
We are better together.
We make space for each other.
We can’t be articulate all the time.
We are mindful of jargon, acronyms and industry language.
We acknowledge the difference between intent and impact.

This sets the scene, and the culture of the learning groups and cohorts.
“People like us do things like this.”

It means that we know how to be, how to care and look out for others, how to show up in a way that moves us forward.

It sets the NORM. 🖖🏻

That meant that when we were asked to work on our goals that are important to us, we have cohort and a support circle that asks the hard questions – but in a generous, gentle and kind manner, so that we can be better.

We don’t get defensive, or upset.
We don’t let ego get anywhere near us.

It’s only week 1, but it’s already impacted me in ways I cannot yet describe.

Has anyone done this course before?
How was it for you?
