None of the above

“None of the above.”
You know those people.

– Those who just poo-poo other people’s ideas and suggestions. 💩

– Those who feel the need to flex the ‘veto’ muscle for a dopamine hit. 💪🏻

– Those who feel that it’s their duty to rain on parades just because.🌧️

This is where you can legitimately use the following statement:

“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” 😐

When we behave this way, we are usually confusing flexing power moves with true #leadership, which is more about finding solutions to problems.

If there isn’t a ‘best’ or ‘perfect’ option, then maybe we just have to bite the bullet and pick the ‘least bad one’ and find a way to fix the technical debt (or other type of debt).

Chris Pearson may remember that we talked about operational ‘debt’ that is accrued when making business decisions. 😬

So the next you’re faced with options where there is no ‘best’ one, don’t just say “None of the above.” without providing a better option, or moving forward with the ‘least bad’ of the bunch.

Otherwise you’re just being a pebble in the shoe of life.

What do you think?

BTW ninja 3 chose the Valley of Tears because “I can just swim across the crybabies to get them donuts.” 😋
