Ok I know things are rarely that simple

Ok I know things are rarely that simple. 😬

That’s why it isn’t a great idea to ‘outsource’ your data cleansing to the cheapest resource, i.e. unpaid intern or the newbie in your company.

Good data hygiene is important if a company wants to ensure that their system is trustworthy, which is why there needs to be an overarching strategy around Data.

Companies that have a Chief Data Office truly understands the importance (hello Kinnari Ladha 👋🏻).

However, you don’t have to be a CDO to make sure that your org is clean (or as clean as can be).

Just like dental hygiene, there are two basic fundamentals:
1. Education, and
2. Process and Systems

People need to know they have to brush their teeth and keep their pearlies sparkling, or cavities will cause pain.
In the same way, users need to understand that laziness or ignorance will result in bad data, which in turn will cause a lot of painful problems down the road.

On top of that, they need access to tootbrushes, toothpastes and learn how to do brush and care for their teeth properly.

Users need to understand
– what data is important
– why they need to be collected
– how to collect them properly
– how they get them out as reports in an intelligible manner that not only makes sense but aids in strategic decision making.

And sometimes, the most basic thing you can do with regards to #DataQuality is to ruthlessly eliminate duplicates.

No #CRM system, not even the almighty #Salesforce or #MicrosoftDynamics365 will help you if you have poopy data. 💩

#GarbageInGarbageOut or…
