Publish a book in 45 day Challenge

Publish a book in 45 day Challenge.
Excerpt – “The Assignment.”

Rooj reviewed the email from Baldi, the Resource Manager at Cloudacious.

“Hi Rooj. Welcome. You’ve been assigned to shadow Vi and her team on the Xeniq Discovery phase. You’ll get an email shortly about what its all about.”

How interesting! Rooj had a session on Discovery fundamentals during her Induction, but was keen to get properly stuck in it.

She knew that it was a process of gathering information from the client organisation such as its vision and goal, so that they are able to understand how to design and implement Salesforce in order to address their ‘pain points’. 

“I keep hearing the words ‘pain points’. Do people actually use that phrase?” 🤔

Grei chuckled.

“Yeah, it’s a buzzword that you’ll hear in the consulting industry. It just means the things that really annoy them the most. Usually it’s things like being unable to find the information they need to make decisions, or having to re-key data, or rigid data silos (that’s another word you’ll hear a lot) and all that.”

Day 4. I have fleshed it out a little bit more. It’s been challenging trying to juggle this as the summer school holidays draw to a close.

There are shoes to get, uniforms to get ready, children to mentally prepare, mock exams to do.

Oh, ninja 2 tested positive for covid tonight. 😞
The only one in the family who had escaped so far. Now he has to miss the first few days of the school year.

Anyway, hope you liked the above excerpt. You can register to be on the waiting list to get updates! Sign-up link:-

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DM me if you fancy reviewing the draft in the first week of Oct when it’s done! 😄
