Some questions to those planning to go to #DF23

Some questions to those planning to go to #DF23 from a DFNewbie 😁

1. Dates are from 12-14 Sept. Are there events that happen before & after?

2. What are some of the best ways to make the best of DF?

3. What were some of the lessons you’ve learned during your previous trips that you’ll apply here? Good shoes is one tip I read.

4. I’m planning to go this year. Who in my network is definitely going? I’d love to make time to meet people and catch up properly. I heard the pace of sessions and activities can be intense 😬

I’m currently getting tickets, travel and accomodation for conferences this year… dreamOlé, Albania Dreamin, CzechDreaminYeurDreamin’YeurLeadinMidwest Dreamin’WITness Success, and Dreamforce.

… because as a solopreneur, I realise that networking is the only real way to connect with people and grow my business!

Who am I going to meet this year?

Looking forward to connecting with virtual friends IRL and making new friends too! 🥰
