Testing applies to a lot more

Testing applies to a lot more than just project delivery.

It’s a process of figuring out if your initial idea or plan works before you go ahead and try to get it done “for real”.

You might want to test
– the recipe before you cook for your future parents-in-law 🍗
– drive the car before you drop a pile of £££ for a “bargain” your crackhead neighbour is ‘selling’ 🚗
– the neon hair dye on a small tuft of hair before trying to (cough) do a whole-body makeover 😳

Proper testing saves you a lot of PAIN in the long run.

It still boggles my mind that so many people view testing as an after-thought, or a checkbox exercise. 😵

Anyone who has that mindset will get judged by me (I set aside my ‘Samaritan’ non-judgemental hat in this special instance!) as someone who
– has never been a scout (“Always be prepared!”)
– believes in a hole in one … the very first time they pick up a golf club
– thinks that everything will be fine because “the wind will always be at my back” and other such BS phrases.

Not approaching testing as a critical part of project planning should be line number 1 in the Risk Register, with a big fat 🚩

Project QA includes:
– Recruiting QA testers who understand the product
– Ensuring the design and build people are good at what they do (Duh!) 🙄
– Involving QA early in the project, which requires sufficient time for them to understand the requirements and think up test scenarios and write the test plans
– Structuring a proper Test Strategy and approach
– Ensuring that the Test Strategy is executed!

This list doesn’t change too much even if you are using an automated testing tool like Provar Testing. Just replace QA testers with Provar Certified Jedi’s who will need to script the software. 😁

Please, people.
Prioritise testing.
That’s a ‘low hanging fruit’ you can pluck on your way to delivering excellence.

And that’s what we all want, right?
Implementing sexy systems using #Salesforce.
There, I managed to use sexy and Salesforce in the same sentence!

#AlliterationFTW 🥰