The cost is too high

“The cost is too high. Trim the QA and PM time.”

As a #Salesforce consultant #ProjectManager I hear this a lot, which is a shame.

It still means that there isn’t enough importance and respect given to two disciplines that actually help delivers quality projects.

I have a soft spot for the QA team as they are often overlooked and underestimated. ❤

Testers in consulting, usually command a much lower day rate than the rest of the project team and testing can be manual (not ideal) or automated using a tool such as Provar.

However, automated testing usually ups the costs for the project which means that it’s only considered when the project is of a fairly meaty size. 🥩

Even so, it still requires creativity in identifying scenarios and test cases – positive and negative testing, and finding all sorts of ways to break the system. 🕵🏻‍♂

That’s why we should always involve the QA team as much as possible as early as possible (𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗳𝘁-𝗹𝗲𝗳𝘁 anyone? I feel another doodle coming on!) 😁

Understanding what the system is supposed to do is important, as well as the context of the requested functionalities and the reasons why – all this allows the QA team to be able to test the system robustly.

The best QAs are very detailed oriented, as well as a Big-Picture mindset.

Oh, and knowing what countries exist in reality helps too.

I mean, Wakanda* person thinks that it’s a real country?! 


*I made this vid some time ago and found it in the depths of my ‘Documents’ folder! Enjoy 😁