We are not an island

We are not an island. 🏝
We have stakeholders in our lives – both professional and personal.

Unless you live a life of a hermit, it pays to pay attention to those around you.
Those who can be affected by what you do
As well as those who can affect the quality of your life.

In #ProjectManagement, we call this #StakeholderManagement.

As usual, we have a fancy 4-grid diagram to explain the concept.

While I don’t actually draw this out on every project (sometimes I do a quick sketch if discussing something with my team), it is a valuable tool that I use when mentally categorizing the stakeholders in my project.

I want to take note of the people who live in the top two quadrant of my grid.

Who should be there?
Who do I think are there but shouldn’t be there?
Who’s missing?
How should I keep them happy?
What’s my strategy to manage everyone, and ensure that no one (important) feels ignored?

If you don’t pay attention to this, you may get blindsided by a party who snatches the rug from under you and derails the project over an issue that did not make it onto your radar.


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