What’s the secret of attraction?

What’s the secret of attraction? 🤩
The initial appeal and what comes next?

I’ll be speaking about the “5 Tinder secrets of being a Desirable Consultant” at CzechDreamin this Friday 😊

I’ll be looking at the psychology of the first swipe-right zing to getting to a ‘yes’ at the altar or a signed job offer or statement of work.

Come watch me stitch the metaphors into a beautiful patchwork quilt of sizzling chemistry. 🧑‍🔬🧪

It may be spectacular, or it may fizzle out! 😅

It’s all about crafting the personal brand and walking the talk with a solid reputation.

Curious to find out more?
Well get your ticket and come listen!
I promise that it will be engaging and fun!

As usual I will have #DonutBraceletOfHope with me for anyone who’d like one.

As you know, I make this on my #Samaritans shift while talking to caller’s who are emotionally distressed, who may be thinking about suicide.

If you’re someone who walks with these dark shadows in your life, come and talk to me, and have this gift from me.

I also have stickers! 🥰
Who will I see in Prague?
