So a mistake was made.

So a mistake was made.
Through a series of miscommunications and misundertandings – the instance was installed in the wrong environment.

However, “J” the Project Manager did not escalate this, and has in fact kept quiet.

You can’t do that!
You’re just kicking the can down the road.

Having difficult conversations is part of the job, when things go wrong – we need to escalate and provide a plan of action in place.

You don’t stick your head in the sand and pray it all goes away, but that’s apparently what “J” is doing.

The mistake above would cost an additional 5-6 hours to fix, as long as the right people were notified, the change request was submitted in time, and the right resources are assigned to do the work.

Of course, that requires the PM to own up to the mistake, and face some ‘not-very-happy’ stakeholders, but that’s the way to manage things.

As it is, I can see the cost of fixing that mistake escalating as time goes by, and that “J” will soon need to add that green #opentowork banner on his LinkedIn profile photo.

When a mistake has been made, own up.
If it’s your fault, apologise.
And put in a plan to make it right.

Don’t be a banana. ❌🍌

Fix mistakes, the Right Way.
(May involve a lot of donuts 🍩)


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