Adulting is hard.

Adulting is hard. 😵
Making choices.
Being accountable for mistakes.

I’ve been having conversations recently about this.

For example, whether people should believe the hype that anyone can build a career and design a life around #Salesforce

Or whether your divorce and other broken relationships are caused by your childhood and poor parenting skills of those who gave you life.

Part of growing up is learning how to make decisions well.

This includes

🍩 Researching the unlimited resources at our disposal

🍩 Asking the right questions of your head, and your heart

🍩 Listening intently to the answers, and identifying if any bias is at play

🍩 Weighing pros and cons, and understanding the risks

🍩 Deciding if the price of mistakes is worth it

… and then acting on the decision.

If it’s wrong, then it’s time to reflect and make another decision.

Life is a continuous process of doing this until we get really good at it.

Accountability is a big part of growing up too, which means that we don’t blame others for the choices that we’ve made.

That school we went to.
The partner we married.
The career path we took.

As a #ProjectManager, making decisions is something I do all the time.

Listening to my team.
Assessing the risks.
Understanding and evaluating options based on my team’s recommendations.
Making a decision and taking accountability.

If it’s wrong, we figure out why, and we learn from that, and make better decisions.

Some mistakes are very costly, and collateral damage is incalculable.
Such as having a child with the wrong person. 😥

Luckily almost everything else is not.

Adult decision making is a skill worth honing.
Except when deciding between #cheesecake and #donut!

Then I’m stuck! 😫

What type of decisions do you find difficult?
