As Melissa Hill Dees

As Melissa Hill Dees, MBA would say #BrilliantBoldBeautiful and #brainy!

So much to love in this picture of Melissa Shepard and Lilith Van Biesen at CzechDreamin photos. ❤️

So incredibly proud to be in a world where there is so much support for anyone who wants to excel.

As one of the first female MCSEs in Malaysia in the 90’s, I was plunged into a male dominated world.

#salesforce (especially in the UK) is so much more diverse, though there’s still a long way to go.

To see the ScaleUp Archs grow and develop women and minorities to reach their potential makes my heart explode with happy 🥰

It’s a long road but we are on the right path!
Really glad to know these two amazing ladies.
If you’re not connected with them yet… What are you waiting for?!
