“Come join us. We make a lot of promises! Like.. we’ll
– value you
– pay you fairly
– treat you like ‘human beings’ with ‘feelings’
Sure, we’ll also ‘promote’ you and ‘protect your mental health’
What? I’m not doing air bunny quotes!”
The latest news about one of the Big 4’s cheating on their ethics exam is ironic, but so common in the consulting industry (and others too!)
So many new #Salesforce consultants have talked to me about their disillusionment (is there such a word?) with their company.
The promises, the ‘corporate values’… just empty words.
Consulting is an incredibly fantastic career; one that I’ve had for the last 27 years.
It’s something that I’d love my ninjas to get into (as opposed to being a gamer or professional ice cream taster 😁 – though I’d like to interview for that role!!)
I’d tell them, just like I’d tell anyone going into something new:
1. Do your research.
– Ask people who’ve worked there
– Check glassdoor (with a pinch of salt please – there are so many who are coerced to leave a positive review and/or disgruntled and leaving a negative one)
2. Take off those rose tinted glasses and naive socks (ok I just invented that one!)
– Come in with minimal expectations
– Let your experience be your guide
Here are some 🚩
🚩If your senior team members are friendly, welcoming and saying things like, “Just reach out if you have any questions” but don’t actually have the time to answer them or help you
🚩If they look overworked, stressed and stretched
🚩If you don’t get proper training or induction, or have clarity on your expected role and responsibility in EVERY PROJECT
🚩If you get assigned to a project straightaway with no prep time, or ramp up time
🚩If your projects ALWAYS seem to be over-promised and under-sold
🚩If you’re asked to do evening and weekend work (maybe sometimes without putting your time against a project code 😱)
🚩If your #ProjectManager is behaving like a Grade A Buttmunch
🚩If your company doesn’t prioritise #MentalHealth and doesn’t support you
…Then you have a decision to make.
Your probation is there for you to evaluate your company, just as it’s there for them to see if you’re a good fit.
If your gut doesn’t feel right, then turn around and walk through that door. 👢🚪
The #Salesforce ecosystem is crying out for great talented, hard-working people just like you and you deserve a LOT better.
Let the experience teach you what to look for.
All these lessons are ‘character-building’ 😁
Yes, that’s how I choose to look at these experiences – otherwise there’d be a trail of blood and dead bodies behind me 🤭
Don’t let this dishearten you.
Use it to move on and move up!
(You know who you are)