Do it NOW!

“Do it NOW!” 🚨🚨🚨
“URGENT! Life or Death!” 😵
“… Pretty please?” 🙏

Ah, am sure this is not an unusual situation during sprint planning.

Last-minute-absolutely-must-have requirements that may not necessarily have been fleshed out properly or assessed for risk and impact.

Almost all last-minute changes have had been a bad decision, regardless of how minor it might seem.

These do make for high drama though. 🤠

Arguments ⚔️
Tears 😭
Bribery 🧀🍰🍩
Threats* 🥦

And I get that some people enjoy emotional roller coasters. 🎢😬😨😱😵‍💫🤢🤮🤪😃

Ummm… not me.

I know priorities can change sometimes, but we should always take a pause to evaluate properly.

The best way to mitigate this is to put proper procedures in place, even if it’s something as simple as an impact assessment form that asks about
– reason for urgency, why now? what’s the cost of doing this later?
– technical impact (E.g. dependencies)
– impact on budget, timeline, resources
– rollback plan

URGENCY in #Salesforce projects are rarely in the same category as that for medical emergencies.

Nobody is going to die if this waits until next sprint.
Trust me on this. 🙃

What’s the most ridiculous reason you’ve been given for a last-minute story for upcoming sprint?


* yes, 🥦 is classify as a Threat according to the little ninjas. 😑

I just published a book!
It’s called #SalesforceDiscovery101 and you can find it on Amazon… just in time for Xmas! 🎄🤶🏻🎅🏻
