Ever made decisions

Ever made decisions that came back to bite you in the bum?

Such as sweeping difficult issues under the carpet?

Or cutting corners on projects because it’s more convenient or because you were in a hurry? 📐

In my professional and personal life, I go through a series of questions when making decisions.

🍩 What is the right thing to do?
🍩 What is the ethical thing to do here?
🍩 What evidence do I have to support this decision making process?
🍩 What am I avoiding when evaluating my options?
🍩 Are any of the options driven by fear?
🍩 Is fairness an important consideration in this process?
🍩 Do I need to get advice to help me make a decision?
🍩 Am I focusing on the long term or the short term impact here?
🍩 How would I feel if I had to explain my decision to my children?
🍩 Is making this decision in line with my values and my character?
🍩 Will reframing the issue against a legal or moral context change my decision?
🍩 Am I just kicking the can down the road to avoid dealing with difficult issues now?
🍩 Am I deferring tough choices for someone else to fix later on?
🍩 Am I being guided by my head or my heart in this matter?
🍩 Who would I be hurting by the different choices that I make?
🍩 Will I be able to sleep at night?

#DecisionMaking is a skill.

As a #ProjectManager in a #leadership position, I have to be able to do this quickly and be able to justify my decisions.

I am usually pretty good when making decisions about non-work things like holiday plans and all that, though I know many who suffer from #AnalysisParalysis! 😵

If that’s you, remember that decision making is like working out your muscle.

The more you do it, the better you’ll get.

– Start small.
– Ask good questions.
– When you get your answers, make a form decision and follow through.

You really don’t want to get a horror knock knock joke banging on your door! 😱

What questions help you make decisions?
