Has anyone died?

“Has anyone died?”
“No. No one died. Let’s keep a perspective on things.”

When the challenges in a “character-building” project step up a couple of gears and pressure builds up, people can do and say crazy things.

My team would sometimes take it personally when a client blows up, because deadlines, defects, conflict regarding change and scope, personality clash, politics, agenda, weather, traffic, leaves on the track, train strikes. Whatever.

Sometimes people are unprofessional.
Sometimes they cross the line.

It’s my job as project manager to make sure the “noise” does not reach my team and distract them from their work but am not always successful. They take it home, and it affects them and those around them.

I’ve had close family and friends affected by loss and bereavement. Covid, cancer, disease.

Life is short.
Be kind.

Because most of the time, the work is not the most important thing in life.

The meanness, the pettiness, the small mindedness.
The unkindness.
None of it matters.

There are some things you keep and nurture in your life, and some you eliminate completely.

What else would you remove from your life?
And what would you keep?

Refreshed post from 6/1/2020 with illustration