Have you ever been part of a symphony?

Have you ever been part of a symphony? 🎶
Where the different instruments create exquisite melodies that blends so beautifully?

It’s like being Borg* but with just the good bits of being totally in sync in mind, body and soul (only about projecty stuff of course!) and no assimilation or annihilation involved! 😁

That’s how I define a High Functioning #Salesforce Project Team.

I’ve worked with so very many individuals and so many teams where I’ve felt like I won the lottery 🥰 and last week at the London’s Admin User Group meetup, I reconnected with the beautiful Anjali Pande.

People who have worked with me on my teams have found the ability to vibe with each other, making life and work incredibly interesting and fun.

Anjali was no exception.

She had the ability to anticipate issues, and her quick reflexes meant that she would react to an incoming client m̶i̶s̶s̶i̶l̶e email or project issue, digest it all and put together some options (including her recommendations and reasons) and present them to me before I have a chance to skype her!

She was like ChatGPT who could see the future and also read my mind! 🤯

#Leadership is about inspiring people to be able to gel and have crazy fun working on insane projects that create great stories for future meetups. But it sure helps when you get lucky enough to have someone like Anjali on your team.

Have you ever worked with someone like this?
Tag your Anjali below 👇🏻


* For the Trekkies out there!