What’s a Test Strategy document?

“What’s a Test Strategy document?”
🤯 Whuuut?

An ‘experienced’ Project Manager had just joined our company (a reasonably big #Salesforce Partner) and just finished his Discovery with his team.

As the senior Project Manager, and his mentor, I wanted to understand the test approach for their fairly complex project and I got the above ☝🏻 response.

I am still totally gobsmacked that people still do not prioritise testing. 😵

How can you deliver a quality product if you fail to plan this critical activity and slash test resources?!

How can you help your client derive business value from your implementation if you do not help them plan and structure their testing approach?

🍩 I talk about testing RIGHT UP FRONT during the project kick-off.

🍩 I talk about how We (the Royal We – that means, us and the client) will structure the test approach.

🍩 I talk about testing scope, roles and responsibilities at each stage and for what environment.

🍩 I talk about how we define defect severities and how we will be managing the triage and fix processes.

🍩 I talk about how We can ensure success because QA is everyone’s responsibility, not just the testing team.

I do all of this in my Test Strategy document that is a Discovery deliverable, where the inputs will have come from workshop findings.

Do you have any stories of projects that have not had properly defined test approach and execution?
All my horror stories belong to other PMs as I’ve never allowed it to happen on mine 😬
What’s yours?
