I don’t like football.

I don’t like football. ⚽
All dirty dishes must be done before bedtime. 😠
I will do overtime when it’s near project go-live, and not to make up for poor project estimation.

What are your deal breakers?

I talked about the “5 Tinder secrets of being a Desirable Consultant” last week at CzechDreamin and made this little video 👇🏻 which didn’t quite work! 😣

I believe that we need to be self-aware enough to know what our deal breakers are, the boundaries which are immutable.

Of course, life happens.
Projects can go pear-shaped* some times 🍐
And being flexible and adaptable allows us to survive.

However, not at the expense of our boundaries – for they are there to safeguard our emotional health and safety.

If someone in your personal or professional life repeatedly crosses your boundaries, and you don’t say anything about it – resentment will build up, and your mental health will suffer.

Which is why I say that we need to be honest and candid about these deal breakers – be it personal taste in fonts or sci-fi series. 🖖🏻
And it’s better to do it right at the beginning of the relationship before you get in too deep. 🤿

What’s your deal-breaker?
(You can share your personal or professional one!) 😁
ps: I am also a calibri fan!


* The English equivalent of smelly poo hitting the rotating blade on the ceiling 💩