I had a lovely opportunity

I had a lovely opportunity to plant the seed during my run this morning which I had got from Coacto | Salesforce.com Consultants.

It was a really nice day for a run, with piles and stacks of dry leaves to run into! 🍂
How magical! 🥰
Nothing beats the sound and feel of crunching leaves underfoot.

Running, listening to Seth Godin’s Akimbo, and great music, flattening and destroying autumn leaves – it was an exhilirating morning.

Planting the seed reminded me that Cotswold’s November Community Trailblazer event is coming up, and that I should remember to tie up the kids or park them in front of the telly next Thursday so I don’t miss it.

Their speakers for the evening:
Connie Hazendonk
Louise Lockie
Gemma Blezard

… and there is no way I would miss it with a stonking line up like this! Sign up info in the comments below 👇🏻

If you have a couple of hours free this coming Thursday, it might be a good idea to sign up. And also, maybe you could ask for some seeds to be sent to you so that you can make the world a better place.

One tree at a time. 🌳

See you next Thursday? Maybe?
