We all have off days

We all have off days.
Days when we don’t feel like our best.

Sometimes it’s because something’s happened.
Someone gave us negative feedback.
We got trolled on social media.
Toilet backed up and ruined the new carpet.
Ran out of donuts.

Or sometimes, we just don’t “feel like it”.

Life happens, that is true.
However, I believe that in a work environment, we should always remain professional regardless of how we feel that day.

When everything around us conspires against us, we need to find a way to rise above it all and be the best versions of ourselves at that moment.
It means showing up, and doing the work that you can be proud of, regardless of how we feel.

There’s a great scene in Seven Pounds (an utterly riveting movie by the way) of how blind customer service agent Ezra Turner (Woody Harrelson) handled the terrible abuse from Ben Thomas (Will Smith).

Total professional.

How many of us can perform with such class in the same condition?

Everyone should be like Ezra.
Most of the time, I can maintain my professionalism. ☺

Unless I see someone disrespecting the 🍩.

That’s when I cannot be blamed for what happens to the donut disrespecter. 😠
Fie! I say!
