I had picked a date for my membership site launch and have been working like mad.
There was no such thing as “free time”.
My brain was constantly whirring and thinking and planning and executing.
But I realised that I wasn’t showing up for my kids and my family, and the relationships close to home.
If it wasn’t scheduled, I had no mental focus for it.
I had time for my exercise, but I didn’t seem to have time for ninja 2, who seemed to get these phantom “pains” in a toe, an elbow, a fingernail… At every bedtime.🌛
And so, I realised that something had to give.
Like a lot of my #CRM projects such as #Salesforce and #microsoftdynamics, most companies have no real imperative for their “go-live” dates.
They rush and cut corners, only to find themselves with a sub-par deliverable.
So I’m going to move my membership launch date to November, so that I can properly give my kids time and attention this summer.
There’s still a huge amount of work, but I feel relieved that I’m moving the arbitrary launch date that hade fueled my sense of productivity and achievement for something more important.
Such as tending to my ninjas who have had an semi-absent mum for the last few months.
Such as mindful appreciation for nature. 🌷🌲
It’s letting Ms Ego take a pause here for a little while so I can focus on family.
Do you ever have trouble letting go of work sometimes?
Especially when you’re totally consumed by this Thing you’re creating?
What did you do when you realised what was happening?
Leave a comment 👇🏻 I’d love to hear from you!
I know I’m not alone!