I have many black hat thoughts

“I have many black hat thoughts about that. 🎩 But I do have a small green hat I could put on right now…” 😄

I had delivered a session about De Bono’s thinking hats to my team the previous day, and J was sharing her thoughts with me about a proposal and estimates she was reviewing for a project.

De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats method employs hats symbolizing varied perspectives:
🤍 white for facts
❤ red for emotions
🖤black for criticism
💛yellow for positivity
💚green for creativity, and
💙blue for control, fostering comprehensive analysis and decision-making.

We did a lot of exercises, looking at the best way to sequence ‘hats’ to efficiently get to meeting outcomes for generating first ideas, analysing options, strategising roadmaps and the like.

Here are a few ways you could use it in a meeting:
🍩Could you give me your black hat on that?
🍩Everybody take do minutes and green hat the possibilities
🍩I think you might not be happy, give me your red hat of the situation
🍩I don’t think we’ll go ahead with this, but give me a quick yellow hat on it just to be sure

I really love it because it provides the language that makes meetings so much more productive! In fact I don’t mind black hat thinking at all, as long as there’s some green and yellow ones at the end! 😁

What colour hat is currently sitting on your head?
Mine’s 💛
