I know all consultants love doing timesheets

Yeah, I know all consultants love doing timesheets. 😁

We love it so much that we save a big chunk of it and do it all in one go on a Sunday night so we can indulge on the dopamine hit every time we mash that “Submit timesheet” button.

Not! 😆

Haha! No I don’t believe anyone likes it.

Ask any #CRM consultants like #Salesforce or #Microsoft or any one else in the #professionalServices industry like #legal, you won’t find anyone too enamoured with this activity.

It’s akin to
– scrubbing the toilet
– looking for all the lego bits your kids have left lying about
– washing your dog after a muddy walk 🐶
– going to the dentist

In short, it’s a chore and not anywhere near the “donut face stuffing” category.

But.. Very very essential.
As a consultant, your time is the widget that pays your salary.

Us #ProjectManagers have to chase you up because one of our jobs is to approve the time sheets and send out the invoice.

We have to make sure you do it correctly before it gets pushed to finance because trying to fix it after it’s been processed and posted is as fun as picking cactus needles out of your eyeball. 🌵👀

Painful and not very fun.😣

So it you work for a #SalesforcePartner, or any other Consulting Partner, make sure you get your timesheets done.

On time.
Correctly posted against the right project code.
With the right description.
And with the right hours.
Book in your holidays, training and admin time correctly.

Your #ProjectManager will thank you.

And we may even get you a donut or two.
🍩🍩 😋
