I totally disagree with this…

“I totally disagree with this…”
“Here’s where she’s totally wrong…”
“Why on earth is this chapter in here?!”* 😟

Those were the questions in my head and I felt a whole bunch of mixed emotions while I was listening to Paul Battisson‘s video review of my hashtag#SalesforceDiscovery101 book.

Here’s my emotional journey in emoji:

Thank you for the no-holds barred review Paul.
I love all the ‘areas to improve on’ as well, and you’ve provided me food for thought.

It was all a DIY effort, with reviews from friends and colleagues paid out of the goodwill credit I had with them – so it’s lovely to hear your take of it, from your experience as a founder and a seasoned consultant 😊


I’ll have to buy you lunch the next time we meet in person Paul! 😃


* No, Paul was very gracious and kind with his review, and those harsh words were really the critical Me talking! 😁