“I’m fine.”

“I’m fine.”
“I love it.”
“It’s nothing.”
“No, it doesn’t hurt at all.”

There are some whose thoughts, feelings and words align – so you always know where they are.

No games.
No hiding behind words or empty gestures.
Straight from the hip.

But there are some, who through past experience, hurt and trauma, have learned to hide their vulnerability.

And so, they put on a mask.
And they choose their words carefully.
All to try and hide what’s inside.

Yesterday, we shared these concepts with our new #Samaritans volunteers who are learning what it means to Actively Listen.

When in doubt, listen for feelings.

The non-verbals in their body language.

The way they hold themselves.
The tension in their shoulders.
Or how they’re slumped in a defeated manner.
Perhaps it’s the way their eyes aren’t conveying the emotions portrayed in their words.

If on the phone or on emails/instant messaging, pay attention to the tone and phrasing.

And then you check in and try to clarify what you think you’re hearing.

“Even though you say you’re fine, I get a sense that there is something more to the story…”

“You say it doesn’t hurt, but it feels like it’s left a long shadow in your life… can you tell me more…?”

If you can just …
pause for a moment
and listen deeper…

…you may find someone who’s finding it too difficult to cope but too scared to be vulnerable.

And just by listening, you may save someone’s life. 🌹
