Keep on failing until you succeed!!!

“Keep on failing until you succeed!!!” 💪🏻

Ah, but is it the right approach to life?

I was listening to Brené Brown interviewing Abby Wambach, Olympian, FIFA World Cup champion and author of ‘Wolfpack’ – a book on leadership and her approach to failure.

“If at first you don’t succed, try and try again.”
Another adage that may need additional nuance for it to be impactful.

In this episode, one of the key lessons is to turn Failure into (C) FUEL.
Make it make a difference.
And get clarity when defining what ‘Success’ looks like. 🔍

For example, no matter how much I want to be a world class sumo wrestler, it is unlikely that I will succeed. 😬

Grit and tenacity will just get my tooshie well and truly mooshed.

Coincidentally, I also listened to Seth Godin on what it means to be a creative person who fails.

Unless we have a big bunch of money and want to back a winning horse, we need to allow Failure to become a (D) PATHFINDING mindset.

I loved that these concepts delve into the nuances of failure and how we can reframe things to move forward. 🚀

In today’s world of brief soundbites and memes, and where pretty words on instagram pictures seem to provide all the wisdom that one needs to be ‘successful’, it’s the nuance that trip us up.

“Fall forward and fail towards a faceplant – It’s the only way to succeed!”
– Pei the Ego-Driven😆

“I turn FAILURE into ______________________.”
What’s in your blank space?


ps: Link to both podcast episodes in the comments below 👇🏻