
Unscrupulous people disappear-ers.

That’s what we call people who toss other people into “The Deep End.” 🤿

Ask any consultant what this phrase means, and they’ll probably tell you that it describes their first project. 😱

The other phrase is “trial by fire”.

Both scenarios describe being put into situations without being trained or having proper support in place.

“I was the inexperienced, stressed out, long periods of time bench sitting, consultant who wanted to quit so many time the last 4 years since I have been in the SF ecosystem. No mentoring, no learning the ‘best practices’. Just trying to figuring things out on my own and failing hard at it. On a daily basis I felt so lost trying to understand client requests, their questions, trying to understand Salesforce etc. I’m surprised I’m even still working in the ecosystem.:(“

Just one of the many emails I get from stressed, burned out #Salesforce consultants.

This is very poor practice, not to mention, grossly unfair and very very unkind. 😖

We can do better.
The consulting world is an amazing place to be, especially with a really fun platform like Salesforce.
However, #leadership need to step up and do better.

Don’t throw new hires in the deep end on their first project.
Do ‘shadowing’.
Do ‘ride-alongs’.
Do mentoring.
Provide proper support and a safety net so that your people can have the courage to make mistakes and learn from them.

Throwing them into the deep waters to see who sinks and who swims is a pretty poor strategy for sifting out the ‘winners’.

Remember that we are more than a resource to squeeze out billable hours out.
We are #HumanBeans too.

What was the first ‘deep end’ you were shoved into?
Stuff of nightmares 😬
