Are you a Gen-X’er?

Are you a Gen-X’er?

Rubiks cube
Space invader 👾
Shoulder pads. 😁

One of the deepest human needs is to matter.
And part of that is to belong to a tribe, where people say,

You look like us.
You think like us.
We have the same values.
Come be one of us.

That’s so powerful, and is how groups and communities are formed.

Loyalties are created and a sense of identity is developed.

And people do crazy things for those they are loyal to.⚔️🤺

For many of us, it makes life richer with meaning, which is why those who have strong connections to community tend to live better, and longer.

Once in awhile though, It is useful to introspect a little deeper, and ask if this identity is who I want to be.

Did I just get swept along by the current of life, or are my memberships to these groups a result of thoughtful decisions?

Once in awhile I check myself and ask those questions. Tonight is one of those times.

I think I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now.

My friendships and relationships are deep and meaningful, and I am so grateful. ❤️

And this, dear reader, is what I wish for you too. 🌹


