#SalesforceBA exam module: User Acceptance 8%

#SalesforceBA exam module: User Acceptance 8%
Do you know your Severity Levels?
And no, it’s not the same as Priority Level.

Sometimes it’s the same but not always.

Severity Levels need to be defined and agreed upfront, normally within the Statement of Work, especially if you’re engaging a #Salesforce Partner to help you implement your CRM.

Let me illustrate.

King has a papercut from a scroll. 🤴⚔️👉🏻🩸
Jester has just been stabbed in the eye with a rusty pitchfork. 👁️⛏️

In the grand scheme of humankind…
Paper cut = Severity 4.
Stabbed eyeball = Severity 1 (he could die!) 😱

But for the Royal doctor:
Paper cut of His Kingship = Priority 1
Stabbed eyeball of inconsequential human = Priority none.

If we don’t agree and define it at the beginning, there’ll be those who see fire everywhere. 🔥

So if you want to learn more about why it’s important to define Severity levels before you go into UAT, come join the Salesforce BA sessions.

The final 3 in our series of 24 sessions covering each single exam topic foe Salesforce BA Cert running from 2-3.30 pm UK time from this coming Monday on 15, 16 & 17 August.

My past hats included being a BA and QA lead, as well as DBA and Project Manager, so I’ve had loads of experience coaching clients on how to run UAT properly. 💪🏻

If you want to learn more, sign up now. Details in the comments.
