Squid games

Squid games minus violence, death, blood and gore?! YES PLEASE! 😍

Physical: 100 is on Netflix and I am HOOKED. 🪝

Contestants include
– body builders
– weight trainers 🏋️
– Olympic athletes
– crossfit athletes
– rock climbers
– gymnasts
– firefighters
– army operatives
– rugby players
– YouTube celebs 🤔
– models and other super fit people 💪🏻

But (cough) I’m just really there for the lessons in teamwork and leadership, and not the fit bods on display! 😉

It’s exciting, full of drama showcasing the competitive human spirit where the contestants battle it out on events that tests strength, endurance, stamina and teamwork.

It’s utterly delightful!

Other reality shows like The Apprentice encourage the most back-stabbing, bragging, horrible moments of humanity to drive viewers.🤺

Physical 100 is just pure wholesome fun! ❤️
And their trash talking is so cute!

“I eat chicken breast and I will beat you!”
“I will send you home to eat chicken breast!”

The events are also very well thought out.

There are twists and turns, and what I took away was that sometimes mental strength is better than physical strength.

I have to say that watching some of the teams push the 2-ton ship was incredibly inspiring.

Ahh the team we were rooting for lost, but there was so much grace in defeat, and I have only admiration for the teams and their team leaders.

It’s been awhile since we watched a series as a family, but the kids have been hooked as well.

I’d totally recommend this to anyone.

I don’t think I’d ever compete in anything like that, but I may try out event 2.5 and see how long I can hold onto 40% of my bodyweight the next time I go to the gym! 💪🏻😁

I’ll keep you posted on that one!
