The purpose of donuts is…

The purpose of donuts is…
To provide a satisfying gustatory experience?😋
To b̵r̵i̵b̵e̵ motivate team performance? 😁
To stop a partner from leaving for that hussy?☹️

If you don’t define the purpose of something up front, how do you know if that purpose has been achieved?

That’s the reason for eliciting and documenting requirements.

We need to know how you want to use your #Salesforce system.
We want to build it to your specification.

But what is it for?
Is it to allow your contact centre to reduce their AHT (Average Handling Time)?
Is it to process opportunities quicker?
Is it to have the right Intel in order to make quicker more accurate business decisions?

More than just detailed specs for what a specific button does, it pays to understand what it’s for.

Ask “Why?” enough times to get to the heart of the matter.
And make sure what you build/make answers that why.

Otherwise you’ll end up with a system that isn’t fulfilling its potential and sad-faced end users.

And Barry, who obviously does not appreciate the exquisite culinary delight of 🍩🍩🍩🍩
