The quality of my life is based on___________________
What does that answer look like for me?
I sat down and thought hard about that sentence, and came up with 4 mandatory items.
1. The questions I ask myself, about the meaning of events, of things that happen in the world, of how other people make sense of their world.
2. My thinking and decision making process. Am I living mindfully or are the course of events in my life a ‘default’ selection? Have I made thoughtful decisions and applied critical thinking towards what I say/think and do?
3. Have I been kind and compassionate towards the people around me? Do I ascribe judgements on the decisions and actions that others have taken? I find that I am happier when I am kind – whether with passing acquaintance, family, or friends.
4. Have I been kind to myself? How does my inner voice speak to me? As I’ve grown older, I get more mellow as I learn more and more about who I am, what I stand for, and what brings me joy. Boundaries with myself is also a wonderful lesson I’ve learned.
5. Of course – donuts. I don’t indulge as much as I appear to on my posts. The best ones are those that have been freshly made, at the little stall by the dad who’s trying to get by after losing his job, assisted by his young daughter. They were the most exquisite I’ve ever had. 🥰
What are your non-negotiables about the things that define the quality of your life?