What’s my story?
Is it the one where I’m the victim and I always have a tale of woe?
Or is it the one where I’m the hero, slaying the Dragons of Doubt and the Demons of Defensiveness?
While we may not be able to choose what happens to us, we _can_ choose how we interpret and respond to the situation.
You’ll recognise those who choose to adopt a Victim mindset.
It’s always someone else’s fault, and they are never to blame.
They’re always the victim.
That means they don’t have to own up, to be accountable because to do so would be to admit that they are vulnerable.
Not many would choose this path.
However, it’s the path of growth.
When this happens to me, and I find myself getting defensive and preparing my excuses, I stop myself and ask some hard questions.
Why do I feel this way?
What am I afraid of?
Is there a lesson here for me?
How can I emerge from this situation, a bigger, better person?
Then I take a deep breath and acknowledge what the honest answers say about me.
I am on a never ending quest to grow and to learn, because the alternative…
To stagnate…
Is to die.
I’m a bit too chicken to die. 🐔😁
And that is why I am addicted to forward motion.
Because chicken.