When the night draws in

When the night draws in, so does the darkness in our lives.
Guilt, shame, regret, grief, loss, pain, loneliness, isolation.

The demons come, and there is no distraction of social media, and the busyness of daily living to keep them at bay.

I’ve just finished another shift with Samaritans, and we know that our callers need us more at night.

If you’re in a good place, and you’re looking to make a difference, and you can give up a few hours at night (our peak hours), please consider volunteerin for Samaritans, or any other volunteer organisation that support people in need.

If you’re in desperate need for someone to talk to, and you’re in the UK, please call freephone 116 123.

Otherwise, email jo@samaritans.org for someone to listen and to support you while you’re struggling.

You don’t have to go through this alone. 🌹
